Lezing | 28.06.2019 | 18:30

Charity in the Catholic milieu. The example of the Brenninkmeijer family
Public evening lecture

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Professor Doctor Christine Aka (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) talks about the roots of the Brenninkmeijer family's charitable initiatives. As a part of the symposium Caritas – Charity – Philanthropie – Corporate Citizenship the lecture takes up the questions what role religious conviction has in charity and how important foundations and influential supporters are for missionary orders and aid organisations.

Doors: from 6 p.m., you can also visit the accompanying exhibition in DAS Forum beforehand.

The lecture is free. We kindly ask you to register until June 27.

Devotional Picture of Hiltruper Missionare, 1897 | © Christine Aka, Visbek