Historical needlework and sewing tools

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Since 2018, the Draiflessen Collection has owned the Stichting Ariadne’s Naaikussen (Ariadne’s Sewing Cushion Foundation). This collection encompasses nearly 2,000 historical needlework and sewing utensils, a textile pattern collection, and a specialized library, all assembled over several decades by Clementine Kuttschrütter, née Brenninkmeijer. These treasures date mainly to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and were artistically crafted from precious materials.
This OPEN UP! aims to provide a first glimpse into this unique collection of decorative arts and their original functional contexts.

Draiflessen Collection

Maria Spitz, Martin Rudolf Brenninkmeijer Corinna Otto, Laura Niederhoff 

€ 9,50
ISBN: 978-3-942359-59-7 (DE, NL, EN)
Cover ARIADNES'S NAAIKUSSSEN | © Draiflessen Collection

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