Brenninkmeyer, Langemeyer, Tassemeier
Estate and Family Names Ending in -meier in the Tecklenburger Land

| © Draiflessen Collection
Estate and surnames ending in -meier are particularly common in Westphalia, especially in the area that extends from the Lipperland to the Tecklenburger Land. So why were more and more names being formed with the -meier ending starting in the late Middle Ages, and what are the meanings and / or origins of the countless prefixes?
Six speakers addressed these issues before an audience of around 120 people at a symposium held on 16 November 2018 at the Draiflessen Collection in Mettingen, Germany. It is the findings of this symposium that are being presented in this publication.
Draiflessen Collection
Kai Bosecker, Martin Rudolf Brenninkmeijer, Josef Bröker, Andreas Eiynck, Peter Ilisch, Roland Linde, Sebastian Kreyenschulte, Ann Marynissen, Sebastian Schröder, Christof Spannhoff
Mettingen 2019, 168 pages, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-942359-47-4 (D, out of stock)
ISBN 978-3-942359-48-1 (GB)
ISBN 978-3-942359-49-8 (NL)
Six speakers addressed these issues before an audience of around 120 people at a symposium held on 16 November 2018 at the Draiflessen Collection in Mettingen, Germany. It is the findings of this symposium that are being presented in this publication.
Draiflessen Collection
Kai Bosecker, Martin Rudolf Brenninkmeijer, Josef Bröker, Andreas Eiynck, Peter Ilisch, Roland Linde, Sebastian Kreyenschulte, Ann Marynissen, Sebastian Schröder, Christof Spannhoff
Mettingen 2019, 168 pages, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-942359-47-4 (D, out of stock)
ISBN 978-3-942359-48-1 (GB)
ISBN 978-3-942359-49-8 (NL)